Keeping Productivity at its Highest

Being productive in the office is more than just having a solid 8 hour work day. We work with some amazing companies and have put together a list of some innovative techniques they use to design a space that promotes creativity and productivity. Read on below to learn about some of the most inventive office planning techniques used in modern companies today:
Bigger kitchens and dining areas – Don’t we all work most comfortably when we feel elated and happy with each other? With larger kitchen and dining areas promoting a communal space, your company will be creating an active environment where your employees have a sense of community.
Creative collaborative spaces – Instead of stale conference rooms, consider creative spaces with splashes of color, bean bags, and other items where employees can really get their creative juices flowing.
Balance between open spaces and closed – Open space concept has hit office plans like an unstoppable train but recent studies have shown that too much open concept can be distracting. Find the perfect balance with moveable walls or glass walls that provide some privacy as well as openness.
Healthy diversions – Whether it’s a fun climbing wall or massage day, it’s essential to give your employees a way to blow off steam with a healthy distraction. Physical activities get the blood flowing and help people focus better once at their desk and massages can be a great stress reliever.
Green space – It’s amazing the difference adding green to your office can do. Whether it’s creating a garden on a balcony or adding indoor trees and plants, greenery can be incredibly calming and soothing in an office environment where fluorescent lights are abound.
If you’re in need of a Washington D.C. office supply company, look no further than Miller’s Supplies at Work. We are a premier provider of comprehensive and high-quality office stock and supplies. If you’re in need of anything from coffee beverages to printing supplies, you can get it all with the help of our premier office supply company.
Call us toll-free or fill out our online form to get in touch with our experts and start your order today!

Written by Miller's Business Interiors
Headquartered in Virginia, and also supporting the larger Washington DC area, Miller’s Business Interiors provides the design, space planning, project management and furniture you need to create a stylish, productive and comfortable environment. From humble beginnings in 1971 to nationwide coverage offered today, we support you with a dedicated and experienced team, flexible solutions and personalized attention that ensures you’ll feel like our only customer.